Still soaking in today’s magical morning walk with Frankie here in Virginia. Walking under a canopy of trees in a park every day still feels like a luxury after living 15 years in the exquisite concrete jungle of NYC. Leaving New York was very hard to do on a lot levels, and the transition taught me a lot. 
When we let go of what is no longer serving us, there is space. In that space we have room to breathe, reboot, recharge, and connect to where we are and what we need. THEN we can create more of a life that serves us. I’m still breathing, rebooting, recharging and still creating space and still creating a life that serves me because I get the privilege of being alive. So here we are. 
How are you creating space for yourself right now?

Still soaking in today’s magical morning walk with Frankie here in Virginia. Walking under a canopy of trees in a park every day still feels like a luxury after living 15 years in the exquisite concrete jungle of NYC. Leaving New York was very hard to do on a lot levels, and the transition taught me a lot.
When we let go of what is no longer serving us, there is space. In that space we have room to breathe, reboot, recharge, and connect to where we are and what we need. THEN we can create more of a life that serves us. I’m still breathing, rebooting, recharging and still creating space and still creating a life that serves me because I get the privilege of being alive. So here we are.
How are you creating space for yourself right now?

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