@wp4bl is offering this FREE virtual workshop Engaging In Difficult Conversations that will provide tools
and practices that will assist us in having more effective conversations about race. Sign up now to be there live on Tuesday, June 16, at 6pm and get the link to watch later. ❤️ #blacklivesmatter

June 8, 2020
@wp4bl is offering this FREE virtual workshop Engaging In Difficult Conversations that will provide tools and practices that will assist us in having more effective conversations about race. Sign up now to be there live on Tuesday, June 16, at 6pm and get the link to watch later
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We met @elmablintjewelry while strolling through @bkflea back in 2008 when we were engaged. I fell in love with her modern minimalist jewelry designs so we commissioned our wedding rings from this talented, hard-working mother. Our wedding bands are one of a kind modern minimalist rings that Blint combined my family stones with her unique style. We LOVE them and I still love Elma Blint’s beautiful designs and HER and with Covid-19 @bkflea has taken a big break and that’s tough on designers like Blint. You can support this business by purchasing some of her incredible designs like the VOTE rings (I’m obsessed!) or her cool pendants (going there to get one NOW!). You can also purchase gift certificates to the shop. Supporting Black businesses, Black mothers, and our Black community is vital right now and always. And frankly, it’s the least we can do
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Each of these names was somebody’s baby.
Meg Allan Cole
Meg Allan Cole is a prominent name in the DIY and crafting world, usually seen wielding a glue gun in one hand and a rescue dog in the other. Meg has been creating DIY videos since the very first DIY network, Threadbanger, aired on the internet in 2006. Since then, she has been a DIY home and lifestyle blogger, and has created videos for Etsy, Curbly, MAKE, The Knot, Martha Stewart, and she now proudly makes regular content for HGTV’s YouTube channel, HGTV Handmade.
Posts by Meg Allan Cole
Swipe for actions. Art by @kristinamicotti
June 27, 2020
Breonna Taylor was asleep in her bed in the middle of the night when 3 police officers came inside her home and murdered her. They had the wrong house. One was fired yesterday, the other two murderers are still police officers. No charges have been brought *as of now. Demand justice for Bre. She and all Black women deserve better than this. Text ENOUGH to 55156 After countless calls from outraged allies, Mayor Fischer disconnected phone, so we are finding other ways to be heard. Go to @colorofchange to sign the petition, contact the council members, and get up to date actions. Art by @jennydoh
June 24, 2020
As a little incentive to continue investing in the Black community, I’m offering free BLM art to you! Send me a screenshot of your donation of $25 or more to the nonprofit of your choice, your mailing address, and art preference. There are a few of each design, and I’ll do my best to get you your favorite one-of-a-kind watercolor painting. Some donation suggestions are @blklivesmatter @innocenceproject @bailproject @naacp_ldf @blacktranstravelfund and City Neighbors Foundation, linked in my bio. But any investment in the Black community counts. *City Neighbors Foundation works to develop public schools that focus on equity and the arts. @raindancer80 is on the board focusing on diversity and inclusion, and alerted me to this wonderful Baltimore-based organization. Donating to them would be a lovely way to thank Raina for her work yesterday. Thank you to everyone who is giving their time, money, and work to the Black community. Let’s keep the momentum up
June 20, 2020
We’re finding these hand painted stones around our neighborhood while out on walks. Making these with your kids is a great way to get them involved creatively and start talking about the reality of racism. My educator parents started the dialogue about racism with me before I can remember, and it was *always* a part of the conversation. I think that practice at home helped me speak up at school at an earlier age. I still have MUCH TO LEARN as we all do, but that early exposure was the first step to working on being anti-racist. It’s never too early and it’s never too late.
June 17, 2020
My period is now eco and Black-woman owned thanks to @femlybox. Many of my white friends are switching household brands and investing in Black-owned companies and I RECOMMEND THIS ONE. ANY time we re-distribute the wealth to a Black woman or to a black-owned company it is the action of putting your wallet where your mouth is. To make this a lifelong shift, sharing companies that produce well-made eco products we use *regularly* is crucial. I’m so grateful that is such a high quality/low impact brand that supports people who menstruate. I’m a convert forevs. Yes, they have tampons and cups too
June 17, 2020
Comments by Meg Allan Cole