This was our Thurman. He was our first rescue, and we always keep him in our hearts and daily conversation. With the odds stacked against him Thurman was the kind of dog most people pass on. He was a senior, he was obese, he had chronic health problems and had been neglected and abused.

Let him be a reminder to never pass up on a friend because of such things. Adopt the under-dog and you will be deeply rewarded. Thurman was, by far, the best friend you could ever hope for. He was loyal and kind and had the sweetest heart. He was absolutely hilarious in everything he did. He worked so hard with us to get the weight off, and together, we gave him two years of an amazing life. He would have never given up, and loved everyone he met, despite his experiences with abusive humans.

Rescuing Thurman is one of the best things I have ever done in my life. He taught me more than I thought possible, and showed me how deeply I can love. Even when I am an old, wrinkly lady, I will think of our sweet beagle and smile.

I love you, Bubba! Always.