Meg Allan Cole is a prominent name in the DIY and maker world who has created videos with HGTV, Etsy, Make, Martha Stewart, and the DIY Network. She proudly helped launch and create HGTV Handmade and her personal channel Meg Allan Cole Crafts. Meg produced and starred in HGTV’s digital series Cube Takeover and Design Goals, and collaborated with some of her favorite stars.
Meg became a filmmaker in 2020 when she created the documentary short film, Blood and Guts: Exposing Endo. The film explores her harrowing personal journey with Endometriosis and exposes the medical misogyny and racism that prevents so many from getting safe care.
The newest branch of Meg’s work, Home Coach, combines both her design skills and personal passion to empower and support women. From organizing to floor plans, Meg will make the process of transforming your home into an easy, fun, and inspiring experience.
She lives with her adorable rescue dogs and musician husband in the D.C. area, but will always remain a New Yorker at heart.