A few weeks ago I reached out to the Decor It Yourself Facebook page asking who would be down to join me in pledging to do this. I eat meat WAY less than 6 days a week, but I wanted to see if we could motivate a whole group to make a committed pledge. I was seriously stoked to see the response, so decided to make Meatless Mondays our Earth Day episode, since how we eat is one of the most powerful impacts we have on our planet. Here is the episode:

When you make the pledge, you can sign up for the Meatless Mondays news letter that brings delicious veggie recipes to your e-mail in-box each week. How easy could this get?

Some foodie friends helped by blogging about the subject and including some of their favorite vegetarian meals for us. Matthias and his fiance` have a food blog, Milk in Glass Bottles and contributed A Vegetable Matter. My friend and vegetarian, Daisy, contributed a , meatless Shepard’s Pie recipe (and a fun way to learn it) over on her blog, Pushing Up Daisies. Rebecca Lando, from the delectable Working Class Foodies gave us her take on the issue and some fav dishes here. And lastly, here is my round-up of vegetarian recipes in my post from a few weeks ago.

Treehugger reports here that if we stop eating meat one day a week, this is the positive effect it will have on our environment….

*Our greenhouse gas emission reductions equal US switching from a car with average fuel efficiency (that’s about 22 mpg for the entire fleet) to a high efficiency car such as the Toyota Prius (50 mpg).

* We will save about 1 ton of water, enough to fill up the bathtub 22 times per week.

* If everyone in the US did this, we’d collectively save about 12 billion gallons of gasoline.

This is a small life change that will make huge changes for the planet.