Not pain nor rain could keep us from visiting the Defiant Girl after my first physical therapy appointment today. It felt significant and powerful and I let the gravity of the moment wash over me along with the sky. Photo by @williedictionary ❤️?????
*Edit: It has been brought to my attention that “when we say the future is female we leave out our trans and queer family”. Great and important point. As a woman whose “femaleness” prevented me from medical care, insurance coverage, and trust from multiple doctors, and whose “femaleness” slowly destroyed my body and life and broke my heart, I NEEDED this shirt today as I walked through excruciating pain in the rain to a very scary first appointment. My actions and words will always be open to feedback and will always be fighting for the inclusion of all my non-cis women and queer family. Let’s keep the dialogue open yet compassionate, so we can be better and inclusive while also supporting each other through our private and painful journeys. ??? #endowarrior

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